Indulge your girlfriend with personalized gift that exudes elegance and allure. Our Custom Name Crystal Letter Sexy Lace Bikini Panties are designed to make her feel confident and beautiful. Add her name in stunning crystal letters to create a unique and intimate surprise.
Gift Quotes: Ignite the passion in your relationship with personalized panties
Materials: Zinc Alloy, Stainless Steel
Size: Elastic waistline between 60-80CM
Please complete fields required to customize options (Name/Characteristics) and recheck carefully all the customized options.
Text: Standard English excluding special characters, emojis to ensure the best looking.
Characteristics: Pick one-by-one options that match your description.
The last step, click "Preview" to get a glimpse of the wonderful creation you’ve made ❤️.
Processing Time: 7 - 10 business days
Shipping Time: 7 - 10 business days